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Upcoming Free Kindle Promotional Days

Here are some of the free promotional kindle downloads days, I have scheduled for the end of August-Oct, 2013.

On the Brink: Letters to the Madness+poems & pictures: Volume One by Emily Sturgill 2013
Lavender Surprise:

Poetry and Art by Emily Sturgill 2013

Lavender Surprise is a much more surreal, abstract offerring of poetry, prose and artwork. It will go into Free Kindle promotional e-book period from Sunday August 25, 2013- until Thursday August 29 th, 2013.

This is the first part of a two part series, called "The rantings and ravings Series." It is a poetry and artist chapbook.

It will go into Free Promo period from Friday August 23 2013-

until Tuesday August 27th, 2013.

Mythology seen through metaphor: word salad 1.5 by Emily Sturgill 2013
Once, I was The Rain: Poetry and Artwork by Emily Sturgill, 2013.

Once, I was the Rain: Poetry and Artwork will have its free promotional period beginning Sunday September 8th- Thursday, September 12th, 2013. Once, I was the Rain is a book heavily influenced by Nature, Earth-Day and the man-made world. It contains both poetry and various types of artwork.

Mythology Seen through Metaphor: word salad 1.5 is my fifth published work. It goes into free kindle promotional period from Saturday, August 31, 2013-September 4, 2013. (Which is a Weds.)

This book combines elements of poetry and artwork, with an underlying theme of Mythology and Fairy Tales. 

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